Build the Directory

QMed would love to see this Directory grow quickly with collaborative participation.

We seek

a) Volunteers

b) Monetary contributions

VOLUNTEER TO BUILD Indian Medical Sites

We invite volunteers to contribute sites and help us constantly improve the Directory
Please write to us if you can do one or more of the following:

– Contribute at least five new sites every month

– Take charge of one or more sites (large entities like hospitals) and work on their keywords (tags)

– Help us with link checking or tell us how we could use a link checker for this site

– Help us reclassify some areas more specifically – eg Educational Institutions, Pharma companies etc.

All volunteers will be acknowledged here. Please  fill in this form to Volunteer to Submit Sites Regularly and we will write to you with details

Submit a Single Site

If you wish to submit just a single site or two and not wish to be a regular contributor, please fill in the form below

Submit A Site



For any effort of this nature, we need contributions. And we hit upon this really simple idea to raise funds and recognize donors. You can contribute any amount any time you wish. At the end of each month, we will list out all contributors and their amounts in this page. Your contributions not only help us maintain and update the site, but also support our workshops and mentoring of health science students.

Click here for options and for the form for making contributions

– The top four contributors for the month will get their websites (or names, if they do not have a website and would like to be listed) in the banner spaces on the right side of the page.

– The next ten contributors will have their websites up in the “Featured Listings” on the left side

– As mentioned earlier, all contributors will be featured in this section with the amounts they contributed.


– Send your contributions now

– We will displaythe top four contributions for the right side banners and the next 10 for the Featured listings, as we receive them. As we start getting more, we will make changes every month. So early contributors *may* have a longer advantage!



We’d like to thank Mr T.V. Jayaraman for his generous contribution, with which we were able to cover a large portion of  costs of revamping this site

The Mango Media’s Contribution

We’d like to thank The Mango Media not only for creating the new version of  Indian Medical Sites at easy terms for us, but also for offering  an indirect contribution.  For all those who would like to get a website made /redone by them, they are offering a 15% discount. Do check out their banner on the right! We hope lots more doctors, clinics, journals and more medical entities will have good websites soon!

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